Managing Social Media

Social Media



Employers are checking the social media accounts of prospective employees more than ever. Avoid these social media blunders to help you land your dream job.


How to Make Your Social Media Profile STAND OUT

Social media sites can help users reach those beyond the immediate circles of friends, and can provide a valuable tool for generating awareness. These sites are easily accessible by anyone and Social Media Iconsmay even lead to inquiries about job opportunities.

Social Media DO's:

  • DO connect with professionals and foster career-focused networking.
  • DO have a professional looking profile picture.
  • DO be sure to include a summary that highlights your experience, accomplishments, career aspirations, and preferred contact information.
  • DO Post and Tweet appropriate content. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are easily searchable by potential employers.
  • DO post content that shows your knowledge and passion for particular subjects.
  • DO keep your profiles private, or a least evaluate your account privacy settings. Only allow those you know and trust access to your information.

Social Media DON'T'S:

  • DON'T publicize any embarrassing photos or content. Employers often look for such activity when a job offer is in consideration.
  • DON'T post photos of underage activity, illegal substances, or similar actions.
  • DON'T share anything that potential employers may deem inappropriate. DON'T post anything blatantly controversial or behave insensitively towards particular topics.
  • DON'T speak ill of former employers on social media sites.
         and lastly...
  • DON'T be afraid to NETWORK. Seek out and personalize new connections, continually update your profile to include current projects, and ask previous employers and professors for recommendations.